Policy on the Protection of Personal information

  • 1.The formulation of the Policy on the Protection of Personal information and its continuous improvement
    In order to make our executives and employees aware of the importance of the protection of personal information and to help take appropriate measures, LDH JAPAN Inc. and subsidiary companies (henceforth referred to as "LDH Group") formulate, implement, retain, and continually improve our Policy on the Protection of Personal information.
  • 2.Compliance with Policy on the Protection of Personal information
    In accordance with the Privacy Policy, LDH Group has established a management system that takes into consideration the work content and scope of its various departments for the proper protection of personal information. Along with the appropriate collection, use and supply of personal information, this system allows for appropriate dealing with the subject of the information regarding the disclosure, correction, and other personal information of individuals.
  • 3.Guarantee of the accuracy and security of personal information
    In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, LDH Group does everything in its power to keep personal information accurate and up to date while working to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, or unauthorized access of personal information by using appropriate safety measures in our communications technology and management organization systems.
  • 4.Compliance with laws and other regulations related to the protection of personal information
    LDH Group complies with the stipulations of laws and ordinances regarding the protection of personal information and other regulations, guidelines and so on established by governmental agencies and other entities.

Privacy Policy

LDH JAPAN Inc. and subsidiary companies (henceforth referred to as "LDH Group") comply with laws (Act No. 57 of 2003 including the later revisions. The same shall apply hereinafter.), ordinances and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information of our customers and promise to abide by the following in the handling of personal information. By reading the full article, you agree to the Terms of this Privacy Policy and have the right to use LDH Group's services.

  • 1.Management of Personal Information

    In order to protect and prevent leakage, loss, discarding and so on of personal information in its possession, LDH Group complies with laws, ordinances, guidelines and conducts proper security control measures. We also train our employees on how to deal with customers' personal information properly in order to achieve the complete protection of personal information.
  • 2.Collection and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    • (1) In the event that LDH Group needs to collect personal information, it will take proper measures in doing so. Furthermore, when LDH intentionally gains personal information directly from customers via documents or the web, the purpose of its use will be clearly stated. However, when the purpose of its use is clear, the explicit statement of purpose of use may be omitted.
    • (2) LDH Group will use the personal information within the scope necessary for the achievement of the following purposes:
      • (a) In cases when the customer uses or takes an interest in LDH Group's products or services, we will use the customer's personal information
        • 1) For the confirmation or delivery of purchased products.
        • 2) For the confirmation of applications for events and delivery of tickets.
        • 3) For the confirmation of applications for e-mail services and e-mail deliveries.
        • 4) For the confirmation of the registration for various membership services and provision of services.
        • 5) For sending rewards for participating in surveys.
        • 6) For sending gifts for participating in contests.
        • 7) For offering and improving products and services and for the development of new services.
        • 8) For improving products, services, and websites to increase customer satisfaction.
        • 9) For customizing products, services, and websites matching the needs of the individual customers.
        • 10) For surveys on satisfaction with information and products ordered by customers.
        • 11) For understanding customer usage and helping to improve current services and develop new services.
        • 12) For the delivery of information related to products and services offered.
        • 13) For the delivery of information related to LDH Group's artists and various events.
        • 14) For the delivery of information related to various members' services and other services.
        • 15) For requesting participation in surveys and publication of the results.
        • 16) For contacting customers concerning membership application, renewal of membership, withdrawal from membership of fan clubs.
        • 17) For confirmation of membership registrations.
        • 18) For offering services to fan clubs.
        • 19) For requesting participation in artist-related surveys and sending rewards for participation in surveys.
        • 20) For the delivery of information related to LDH Group's artists.
        • 21) For summing up/analyzing the customers' attributes, developing new services, which will help us to create products, services and cultivate artists consistent with the customers' interests and preferences.
      • (b) For auditions, student recruitment and to confirm or contact those who apply for employment.
        • 1) For confirmation of applications and for contacting for auditions.
        • 2) For confirmation of applications and for contacting of students and job applicants.
    • (3) LDH Group will continue to use the personal information acquired before the enforcement of the Private Information Protection Law (before March 31, 2005) for the above-mentioned purposes. In the case of shared use of personal information defined in "4. Regarding the Shared Use of Personal Data", LDH Group will continue to use it for the purposes specified in "4. Regarding the Shared Use of Personal Data".
    • (4) Should LDH Group acquire personal information via acquisition of a business through merger, company split-up or transfer of business, it will use this information as necessary for purposes as agreed to, as notified of or as received official announcement of, by the individual concerned prior to the acquisition.
    • (5) LDH Group may obtain or use personal information outside of the purposes listed above and without obtaining prior consent from the individual concerned under the permission of related laws and regulations including the cases specified in the following terms.
      • (a) Cases in which the provision of personal data is based on laws
      • (b) Cases in which the provision of personal data is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or assets and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
      • (c) Cases in which the provision of personal data is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
      • (d) Cases in which LDH Group must provide personal data ordered by national institutes, local public groups or someone entrusted according to laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person are likely to impede the execution of the affairs
  • 3.Regarding the Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

    • (1) Except for cases permitted by law (including the cases below), LDH Group will not disclose personal data to third parties.
      • (a) Cases in which the permission of the person received in advance
      • (b) Cases in which the provision of personal data is based on laws
      • (c) Cases in which the provision of personal data is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or assets and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
      • (d) Cases in which the provision of personal data is specially necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
      • (e) Cases in which LDH Group must provide personal data ordered by national institutes, local public groups or someone entrusted according to laws and regulations and in which obtaining the consent of the person are likely to impede the execution of the affairs
      • (f) Cases with respect to personal data intended to be provided to a third party (This is not applicable to sensitive personal information. The same applies to the following terms.), in which LDH Group agrees to discontinue, at the request of a person, the provision of such personal data as will lead to the identification of the person, and in which LDH Group in advance, notifies the person of these matters or put these matters in a readily accessible condition for the person along with the notification to Personal Information Protection Commission.
    • (2) To achieve the purpose of use, LDH Group may provide personal data to outsourcing companies who are entrusted to deal with all or a part of personal data. In this case, we will supervise the outsourcing companies to ensure the safety of personal data entrusted to them.
    • (3) LDH Group may provide personal data in case of business succession due to mergers or other procedures.
    • (4) LDH Group may share the personal data with certain people. For details, please check "4. Regarding the Shared Use of Personal Data".
  • 4.Regarding the Shared Use of Personal Data

    • (1) In order for LDH Group to offer comprehensive services, personal data is sometimes shared among all companies in LDH Group. This information is shared only to the extent that it will help meet the needs of our customers.
    • (2) The personal data that is shared between the companies in LDH Group consists of the following: Name, gender, age, date of birth, occupation, address, phone number, e-mail address, history of purchases or services, questionnaires answered or contests entered.
    • (3) The companies that share information within LDH Group are as follows:
      • (a) LDH JAPAN Inc.
      • (b) LDH kitchen Inc.
      • (c) LDH music & publishing Inc.
      • (d) expg family Inc.
      • (e) LDH TAIWAN INC.
      • (f) ASOBIMO, Inc.
      • (g) HI&max Inc.
      • (h) CyberLDH Inc.
      • (i) LDH BRIDAL PRODUCE Co., Ltd.
      • (j)
      • (k) HI-AX LLP
      • (l) SL Square LLP.
      • (m) North Culture 8.LLP
    • (4) LDH Group will make shared use of personal information within the scope necessary for the following purposes:
      • (a) For offering and improving products and services and for the development of new services.
      • (b) For improving products, services, and websites to increase customer satisfaction.
      • (c) For customizing products, services, and websites to match the needs of the individual customers.
      • (d) For surveys regarding satisfaction with information and products ordered by customers.
      • (e) For understanding customer usage and helping to improve current services and develop new services.
      • (f) For summing up/analyzing the customers' attributes, developing new services, which will help us to develop products, services and cultivate artists consistent with the customers' interests and preferences.
      • (g) For the delivery of information related to products and services offered.
      • (h) For the delivery of information related to LDH Group's artists and various events.
      • (i) For the delivery of information related to various members' services and other services.
      • (j) For requesting participation in surveys and providing information of the results.
    • (5) Party responsible for management of shared information
      LDH JAPAN Inc.
      Representative Director, President, CEO & COO
      Hiroyuki Igarashi
  • 5.Security Control Measures

    • LDH Group implements the following security control measures to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal data and safely manage other personal data.
      • ・LDH Group has formulated a privacy policy as a basic policy.
      • ・LDH Group has established internal rules regarding the handling of personal data, which stipulate how to handle it.
      • ・LDH Group regularly conducts education for employees regarding the handling of personal data.
      • ・LDH Group takes technical measures such as measures against malicious software in the system and monitoring of information system.
      • ・LDH Group handles personal data only in Japan.
  • 6.Regarding posting personal information on bulletin boards

    LDH Group has supplied each artist's homepage with a bulletin board where the users can post their messages. Please be aware that your personal information will be disclosed when commenting on the bulletin board and can be viewed by other users. Also, LDH Group's website contains links to sites outside the group. LDH Group is not responsible for the handling of personal information at these sites.
  • 7. Inquiries and procedures regarding the disclosure of personal information

    • (1) You or your representative can suspend the usage of the personal information that you can be identified with or disclose, correct, add or delete it in accordance with the procedures prescribed by our company. Please contact the inquiry counter mentioned below. (LDH JAPAN Inc. is responsible for management of shared personal information within LDH Group, the inquiry counter mentioned below is a consolidated point of contact for LDH Group.) Moreover, personal information used in membership that was registered on the web can be corrected, added to, or deleted (withdrawal from membership) by customers themselves.
      <For personal information, please make an inquiry at the link below.>
      LDH JAPAN Inc.
      For inquiries, please click this link.
    • (2) In order to prevent spoofing, we may confirm your identity when you make inquiries. Therefore, you may be asked to show required information to prove your identity or that you are an authorized representative.
    • (3) Please contact the inquiry counter about the required procedures if you wish to suspend the usage of your personal information or disclose, correct, add or delete it.
    • (4) LDH Group takes special consideration in handling personal information from customers under 13 years of age. In cases when the personal information of a customer under the age of 13 is to be passed along, the approval of their parent or guardian is always required before the information is to be provided.
  • 8.Handling of Personal Information on the Website

    • (1) Cookies
      Cookies are sent to the customers browsers' by the web server so that they can pleasantly browse the website. LDH Group uses cookies on its website. Customers may set their browsers to refuse cookies, but please be advised that in that case, they will be unable to use some or all of the services on the website.
    • (2) Protection of personal information at linked sites
      LDH Group is not responsible for the handling of personal information at linked websites that are not managed by LDH Group.
  • 9.Revisions

    Upon changes in laws and ordinances, LDH Group will revise its privacy policy.

Established January 2010
Revised March 2015
Revised June 2017
Revised February 2019
Revised March 2020
Revised July 2020
Revised September 2021
Revised April 2022
Revised April 2023
Revised October 2023
Revised January 2025